Sunday, 21 October 2012

Sleeping Beauty

Our aim was to create a book jacket based around any genre and book we wanted. 

I looked in to children's books, looking at classic fairy tales - such as Sleeping Beauty. My initial ideas were more basic, more colourful , more suited to a children's novel. I dared to take a different take with my photograph here! I created a book jacket that wasn't at all suited to an audience of children but to more of a young adult audience. 

After all Sleeping beauty was in fact a horror story when it was first written in the 1600's by French author Charles Perrault. 

I used the rose and thorn placed on the pillow to represent many of the key features within the more modern take of Sleeping Beauty. The pillow is to represent where Sleeping Beauty lays her head to rest when she falls in to a deep sleep, but also to represent the bed where she lays. With the rose representing the thorn upon which she pricks her finger. This rose also represents the body of Sleeping Beauty laying on the bed. 

If you want to know more about how I created my image or have any questions about my other work feel free to message me, or drop me email -

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